25 May 2014

there's a poem here somewhere

there's a poem here somewhere
in this room
in the air
snaking its way through
the soul music
the cigarette smoke

there's a poem around here somewhere
about her
it's gonna put back that piece she took
I can feel it trying to hide
like something lost
that wants to be found
but wants to play a little game with you first

there's a poem somewhere around here
this Sunday afternoon the blue sky wide-open
like a wound
I'll write and I'll write
I won't find it

02 May 2014

Reasons for Living - April 2014

The Day Room - Don Delillo
4000 Miles - Amy Herzog
Dead City - Sheila Callaghan
King Lear - TFANA, Arin Arbus, dir. feat. Michael Pennington as Lear
Body Awareness - Annie Baker

W.S. Merwin Translations
Hymn to Life, The Morning of the Poem, A Few Days - James Schuyler
Holy Sonnets, Divine Meditations - John Donne
Song of the Open Road, Calamus, Salut Au Monde!, Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking, As I Ebb'd With the Ocean of Life - Walt Whitman
Mayakovsky poems

TV Shows
Silicon Valley - Premiere
Mad Men

Blood Meridian: or The Evening Redness in the West - Cormac McCarthy
The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P - Adelle Waldman

Inside Llewyn Davis
Duck Soup

Empire of Illusion - Chris Hedges
Wendell Berry essays