Six Moral Tales: by Eric Rohmer
Criterion boxset

The title may be mistranslated/misleading, as these films aren't really parables of any kind, but instead are sure handed stories of people grappling with love and their own moralities. These films were first written as a series of stories (Collected in a book included in the box set) by Eric Rohmer, a somewhat neglected member of the French New Wave, and certainly exude a literary bone-structure. Either dialogue or voice over heavy, the films are a wonderful and unique marriage of visual poetry and oral sophistication which prove that neither dialogue nor narration is uncinematic.
Bob Dylan and the Band - The Basement Tapes
Saw Bob Dylan in concert a couple weeks ago, and although I am always listening to him, it inspired me to explore albums and songs I hadn't before. The man's body of work is staggering. I remember looking at my parent's copy of this album and thinking the song titles were incredibly bizarre, and probably covers of old Americana stuff. I am shocked to discover that the songs are all original. This album is an anomaly. A complete freak parade. Favorite tracks: "Odds and Ends", "Yazoo Street Scandal", "Apple Suckling Tree."
P.S.-Never liked The Band too much, but I can appreciate what they do. Robbie Robertson is one of my favorite guitar players, Levon Helm kicks ass ("Yazoo" is one of the best vocal performances I've ever heard), Danko and Manuel have beautiful voices and Garth Hudson is about the best rock organist ever. Still, something about their sound doesn't quite add up for me. I like them, but I'm not in love with them.
Here's a video example of Bob Dylan's unparalleled talent for being both a genius and completely weird at the same time.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Dir. Terry Gilliam
Maybe one of the best comedic performances ever: Benicio Del Toro as the Attorney. I think for a lot of the film you can see Depp's acting, his pretty good impersonation of Hunter S. Thompson, but Del Toro, perhaps having the advantage of playing a person who's not quite as visible a public figure, proves that the most bone-cutting comedy is played with serious gravity. This movie doesn't quite work in every way, but it is funny as hell.
Goldfish Hands - Bernard Diabolik
One of the great poet/shaman/seers/troubadours of our time, Bernard Diabolik drools this 16 minute epic devotional of unrequited love. Best lines:
Scar me with your flaming whip,
Lick me with your serpent tongue,
Bite me with your fangs,
I'm not gonna run.
Taylor Swift
May be the musical artist of her generation. A star with the talent, charisma and magnitude of Elvis, Michael Jackson, Dolly Parton, anybody. She's gonna last. Or maybe I'm just in love with her.
The North Market
Cheap, good food, all conveniently located under one roof. I'm writing this upstairs compliments of their free wi-fi.
The Writer's Almanac podcast
Hosted by Garrison Keillor, a poem a day is good for you.
Bullet Park by John Cheever
I've read a lot of Cheever, which is surprising because I don't particularly love his writing. I really want to, but he's just so wildly erratic. He's very easy to read. Sometimes he's a genius, sometimes there's nothing there, but it always flows. This may be the best Cheever I've read yet. An interesting take on the 1960s from a reluctant lover/ poet laureate of the suburbs.
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