03 February 2010

The Little Blue Globe (a song)

Up in my parent’s attic
Sifting through the remnants of the things that I did
I found the little blue globe
That used to glow in my room as a kid

Dusted it off
Plugged it back in
Wouldn’t you know?
It started to glow again

There’s a little viewfinder
if you look into it you can see the world.
Over time the pictures have been
burnt out and blurred

There’s a red cape flaunted by a Man in gold
There’s an Eskimo fishing out in the cold
There's beautiful women with jewels in their faces
Lands so far they’re only fantasy places

The years have passed,
and I’ve gotten older
hasn’t brought them closer.
But the globe still glows
And the globe still spins
Still carries the dreams
Of all of it’s men.
Still carries the burden
Of all of their sins.
I’m so glad it’s
On my shelf again.

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