12 January 2015

City Limits

Great names painted on the mural
Of the Temple of Knowledge
In the café of the Barnes and Noble.
Are they sitting among us right now?
Here in the shopping mall?
Eating Cinnabons in the wash of smooth jazz,
“music made by CIA agents” my dad used to call it?
A man down the bench has a stack
Of yellow books: “Currency Exhange For Dummies” 
“Crowdsource Funding For Dummies” 
“Hedgefunds For Dummies.” An amateur psychotherapist,
Using “Psychotherapy for Dummies,” performs
psychotherapy on himself. He tells me I’m suffering
from an Oedipal Dilemma caused by withdrawal
of maternal affection at a young age. I’m creating a great drama
Of failure, culling a subject out of my misery,
It’s the way a coward gives his life meaning
when he refuses his purpose.
That will be $400 for the hour he says
And his straw rattles as he sucks the last
Of my iced frappaccino.
I leave the café        (strange gulag)     my Toyota snarling
Smoke from a hood dented
Into a curled lip.
These two lanes will take us anywhere
Croons Bruce Springsteen
From the simultaneous dashboards
Of a city stuck in traffic.
I take refuge in the White Castle,
my alma mater turned to trash.
Eating sliders and working on a half-assed novel
I am exactly where I was
When I started
And it’s taken me ten years
To get here.

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