02 November 2015

reasons for living - october 2015

Advice From 1 Disciple of Marx to 1 Heidegger Fanatic - Mario Santiago Papasuiqaro
Wallace Stevens
Eileen Myles
John Ashbery
James Schuyler

The Shining - Stanley Kubrick
American Psycho - Mary Harron
The Burbs - Joe Dante
The Addams Family - Barry Sonnenfeld
Raising Arizona - The Coen Brothers

1 comment:

Emily Shorette said...


Sorry my e-mail is off topic, but I have a problem you might be able to help me with. Whenever I am on my main Blogger page,and I press the 'new post' button, it takes FOREVER to move on. It just stays on the 'loading...' area. Eventually it does move to the proper setting, but it takes 45 minutes! Did you ever have this to you, and do you have some way to resolve this? I have an HP Chromebook 14 (laptop). You can contact me as follows: thoreaugreen@gmail.com

Thank you very much.