24 April 2013

Van Gogh: giving bad artists an excuse to think they're neglected since 1898

It is an appropriate response
to a rejection slip
to tell them loudly
in your mind
"Fuck You People"
because you're a genius
and it's all politics
and you gotta know somebody
and you don't know anybody
and what the hell does anybody know anyway?

You know Vincent Van Gogh.
He's a close personal friend.
He's you,
who will blow his unknown
genius brains out
in a dark blue garden
redecorating the sky
with a spatter of new stars
and brain tissue.
They'll scrape bits of skull
from the walls
of his pages
and smatter it into
a posthumous retrospective
but you're not so lucky

cause nobody pays
108 million dollars
for poetry
at Sothebys.