18 December 2017

snow album

about the sky
putting it back
smoke from no fire
hangin in the empty lot
of vapors or
in this case

it communicates the birds
in veils of foil
                        world radio
picked in rotation
from on high
hey it's green
as motel 6
to stop the night
or maybe a
cousin in basin

water's grief
up there
held in
and soaking
it rushes
but it flies +
they've been falling
                                  and falling

half my life

vast occurrence

running sound for
mute output
contribution to
the eons
here's the location
of sound check
surprising number
of metal candelabras
band's drummer
quit just before
the gig so they play
along to pre-recorded
not very metal
I think they're called
           clap louder
when they fuck up

faux stone walls
hanging ceramic
billiard lamps
what's the purpose
of an overstimulating
context? I sang
are you lonesome
tonight here once
when it was a
gay bar
              there was
a stage halfway
into the room
that's not there
               jack says
the iphone sounds
better than any real
drummer he's heard here
iphone-core he calls it
I wish I was as funny
as jack

broadway metropolitan outrage alert

me I
was wrong
entitled utnapishtum
like he
was treasurer
what acting
he make
it past
the past
decorative tradition
acts choice
a is
by all
rights sedition
and contraction
worked hard
to separate
from teasing
now it's
in charge
fictive idiom
is what
arrived back
what re-
arrived what
arrived again
oh shit
here's my
walking papers
comparing assholes
to oranges
melancholy is
an old
mood play
it again
sam she
must have
given him
an apple
in sleep
she gave
me all
6 people
I need
round square
table annals
of gibberish
nobody and